Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Now I must devise a new strategy....  To take over the word!!!! 

Point the First, I need more reviews on Amazon.  The few that I have are good (all five stars!), but I need more.  I think that I must promote reviewers.

To any and all:  I will arrange a PDF version of TWENTY TWELVE be sent to any wishing to review.  (Wishing to review?  Sheesh, that's like wishing for death.)

Point the Second, I've announced (to my loyal fans on Facebook & Twitter) that SAMMY LEMKIN will be making a cameo appearance in my soon-to-be-written short story with the working title SIRIUS SLIM CONVERGENCE.  I realize, though, this will be met with blank stares from most:  Who the heck is Sammy Lemkin?

In 2005, I passed around a manuscript titled HERO OF DREAMS:  THE MAKING OF SAMMY LEMKIN to my friends in our local readers' group.  Sammy Lemkin, is, of course, the protagonist of that story.

So, I have come to a conclusion on this:  Before the end of this year, I must publish my science fiction novel, HERO OF DREAMS, in all its pubescent glory!

Point the Third, I've also announced the publication in about two months, of my first nonfiction book, A CLASSIFICATION OF THE DISTRICT OVERPRINTS ON THE REVENUE STAMPS OF MEXICO (2016 Edition).  Stamp collecting is my other love besides writing.  I am the Secretary for the China Stamp Society:, and I've been collecting and studying Mexican revenue stamps for over a year.  A book like this is needed.

Writing nonfiction is very, very different from writing novels and short stories.  I am putting in lots of photos and graphs and charts.  I am wondering what, say, a good splatter horror-suspense story would be like if written in exactly the same style:  A precise description of the knife.  A chart showing damaged body parts and organs.  Counting & categorizing the number of wounds.

Arthur Conan Doyle would love such a book.

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